Body Worn Cameras By Officers
Body Worn Cameras By Officers
General Order 2015-07 Body Worn Cameras By Officers Effective August 18, 2015
I. Introduction
As technology evolves, it becomes more dynamic. As a law enforcement agency, it is our obligation that our process does not become static. Members of the Essex County Sheriff’s Office (ECSO) interact with all walks of life such as jurors, attorneys, litigants, defendants, victims, witnesses and other law enforcement personnel. However, there are times that these interactions may involve an officer to excerpt their authority and take a potential police action.
Technology has made it possible to capture video from police actions that law enforcement officers perform on a daily basis. A Body Worn Camera (BWC) is a useful tool that is designed to capture audio and video when an officer effects a police action. This tool has aided law enforcement agencies throughout the country and has deterred frivolous complaints and/or lawsuits.
Furthermore, BWC has strengthened the trust between law enforcement and the community it serves. It also provides the public with a sense of transparency and accountability.