West Ward Crack/Weapons Arrests

West Ward Crack/Weapons Arrests

June 23, 2017

Contact: Sheriff Armando Fontoura (973) 621-4105

Newark – A reputed Bloods street gang member, along with his mother and his brother, was arrested on Thursday night by Essex County sheriff’s detectives and multiple weapons and drug charges were filed against him.

Sheriff Armando Fontoura stated that officers from his department’s Bureau of Narcotics executed a search warrant for 4 Learning Lane in the city’s West Ward last night.

The target of our investigation, 18-year-old Tyrese Harris, his mother, Ramona Timmons, 53, and his brother, Jarrod Timmons, 23, were detained while the residence was searched.

“In the living room closet, our BON officers discovered and seized a sawed-off, 20 gauge, Winchester shotgun, a loaded, .357 caliber, Smith & Wesson handgun, a .22 caliber Ruger rifle, a 6mm BB gun, ten jugs of ‘crack’ cocaine and a cache of illegal hollow point bullets, along with .40 caliber ammunition and shotgun shells”, Sheriff Fontoura added.  “The Smith & Wesson was reported stolen out of Richland, Colorado, on August 30, 2016 during a residential burglary.”

A small bag of marijuana was discovered in the kitchen and Jarrod Timmons was found to be in possession of three heroin-filled glassine envelopes.

Harris admitted that the weapons, ammunition and the cocaine and marijuana belonged to him.

Harris was charged with four counts of the unlawful possession of a weapon while committing a narcotics crime, two counts of possession of a controlled dangerous substance and one count each receiving stolen property, possession of CDS with intent to distribute, possession of CDS with intent to distribute within 1000 feet of Belmont Runyon School and possession of CDS with intent to distribute within 500 feet of public housing.

Jarrod Timmons was found to be the subject of two open warrants issued by the Newark municipal court and he charged with possession of CDS.

Ramona Timmons was found to be the subject of an open warrant issued by the Newark municipal court.

Harris was lodged at the county jail where he awaits a bail hearing.

Ramona and Jarrod Timmons were released and given respective court dates of July 5th and 6th.