Terrorism Preparedness

Terrorism Preparedness

Sheriff Fontoura Recommends Families Be Prepared for Homeland Security Emergencies
Terrorists seek highly visible targets such as airports, reservoirs, nuclear power plants, shopping malls and large public events. Their objectives are to create fear, to try to convince citizens that their government is powerless to prevent terrorism, and to get immediate publicity for their causes. Preparing for a terrorist attack is the same as preparing for other emergencies such as fire or hurricanes.
  • Be aware of your surroundings. Terrorists often strike with little or no warning.
  • Use caution when you travel. Observe and immediately report unusual or suspicious activity to the police. Keep your suitcase with you at all times. Do not accept packages from strangers.
  • Locate stairways and emergency exits. Think ahead about how to evacuate a building, subway or congested public area in a hurry.
  • Create an Emergency Communications Plan. Choose an out-of-town person that your family can call to check on each other. Be sure everyone knows the contact person and his or her telephone number(s).
  • Establish a meeting place away from your home in case your home is impacted by the disaster or is in an area that is being evacuated.
  • Check your children’s School Emergency Plan. Make sure the school has your updated emergency contact information.
  • Stock and have handy an Emergency Disaster Supplies Kit with your medicine, important personal papers and ID, cash, flashlights, a battery-powered radio, personal hygiene products, food and clothing.
  • Be proactive. Volunteer for America by enlisting in the Citizen Corps so that you can assist your local Emergency Management officers by learning basic first aid, CPR, disaster fire suppression and other valuable skills. For more Citizen Corps information access www.state.nj.us/njoem/emb_cert.html.